Sunday, September 26, 2010

And the cast of the play is???

Sorry everyone! I forgot to post!
But you will never guess how busy of a day it was on the play results day. Ever. Everyone couldn't concentrate and was squirming in their seats and rushed from here to there. You'll never guess how squished I was in the middle of everyone looking at the list. I ran up to it and gasped.
Yes. I got my part, but Hannah, got an EXTRA?!!? And MILEY got the EVIL RICH GIRL! 
"THIS IS CRAZY! MILEY DIDN'T EVEN AUDITON!" I practically yelled which made the excitement in the room bubble over for the people who didn't check the list yet.
I could see the pure disappointment on Hannah's face as she read. Miley ran up next to her and asked, " WHO GOT WHO?!?!?"
But Hannah just pushed past and walked away.
~Kathleen Ann~


Mia said...

Sorry! Well, it's better then nothing........right?!?!?

Mia said...

I have 2 new blogs!
and highlite one and press Ctrl then c then go to the top and press Ctrl then v!!!!!!!