Friday, September 10, 2010

Best Friend Breakup

Hi....Tragic title eh? This is Kathleen and I got the inside scoop on Julie and Miley's fight...
Here we go..
Julie was coming home from the nurses. (She broke her wrist from the last post on the way home she fell off her horse.)
She decided to go talk to Miley today. So she went to Miley's room. McKenna was hanging out in Miley and Skylar's room when she peeked around the corner.
"May I come in?" I asked.

"Sure thing Jules," Miley said.
Julie walked in and sat down. It was all silent except for the clicking on the mouse from the game that Miley was playing on the computer.
"Can I talk to you in the hall?" I asked her.

"Sure..." Miley said, a little confused. 
She shut her computer and said "be right back" to the girls.
When they were in the hall Julie said, "Well...Um..Miley...It's just that..."

"SPIT IT OUT!" Miley said

"WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME???" Julie said.

"Ignoring you?" Miley looked unsure.
"Yes..." Julie paused. "You're only spending time with Skylar and not me!"
"She's new, she likes basketball..WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?" Miley replied.
"I expect you to spend a little bit of time with me too or at least invite me with you guys." Julie said angrily.
"Uhm....Let's see you never come to me! You're just jealous," Miley said.
"Am not! You are spending too much time with her!"
"You are soooo selfish! Okay...I'm overwhelmed...But if you want to act like that then fine!!" Miley turned around.
"But Miley!!! I just came to fix this!" Julie cried.

"Fix it? You just made it worse...I was going to spend some time with you this afternoon...It was supposed to be a surprise that all the sudden I'd let you be with us...But you just ruined it," Miley said.
"Fine," Julie turned around and they both headed separate directions...

And that's how it went....I don't know how we are going to have Miley and Hannah's surprise birthday party without Julie...She's the only one who knows exactly what Miley likes.. Oh well...Read the Blossom Falls News Section for some news...
~Kathleen McKenzie~

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