Saturday, February 27, 2010

Samantha & Nellie

Now the first thing you may think is,
Iona doesn't have Samantha or Nellie, or
Did Iona get Samantha and Nellie?
NO! I did not get them, somebody came over with them and a snapped a few pix! ;)
Sam's PURTY curls

Samatha's Face
Sam and Nellie
Nellie's face! Her eyes are SO adorable!

Sorry for the picture ORDER blogger is freaking out on me! ;)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You have probably noticed...

We changed our header! AND the name of our blog! YAY! We are so excited!

~The Dolls

Hi! I entered a contest recently! I hope I win! Here is my picture for the category Friendship!
The Caption is: Kathleen making a friend by saying hi, because hi is the first word in a great friendship.


How are you doin'? This is Jessica here! I am so excited! I might have a NEW sister soon! YAY! Because Iona, Miley, Hannah, and MAYBE Kathleen are going to the GRAND opening of the AG store! They have 2 contests for getting dolls! So I could have a new sister...YAY!!! Sorry for all the YAYs!


Sorry for no other updates! All the other dolls are OUT and about!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Blog!

Okay so Iona has joined a new blog she'd like you to check out! It is here:
If you'd like to know WHY she joined it go to the post below! We have an new addition to the family! :)

~The Dollies

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Addition To The Family!!!!!!

A new doll has come to live with us! Her name is Kathleen! (A Life Of Faith Doll)

Here is a picture!!

Go to this link! RIGHT HERE CLICK HERE!

;) I will add her too the dolls' header ASAP!!

~Iona and The Dolls

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Header and Stuff..

Look at our new header! So pretty! Miley and I took that today!


This is Iona, IF you would like to be interviewed for the H&M Show just comment your blog address and I will comment on your blog the questions for you to answer! Then Hannah and Miley will read your entry ON the H&M Show!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Miley's Photo Shoot

I changed the contrast and stuff on a lot of them! ;)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks for the comments!

Okay, okay...I WILL NOT delete this blog! :) Just can someone please comment at least once a week? Because I am sad when there is NO comments! :)

Okay here are updates!

Hi! My finger is still broken...:( Actually I broke it AGAIN...GRRRRR...Except I managed to take it off in this contest pic I took!
Go there!
So I have not been doing well...BUT that is okay! I get my finger cast off tomorrow!


Hey Ya'll! I am doing great! I just got a hair TRIM! It looks ALMOST the same though! G2G SORRY!!! BYE


Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh No

I am sorry we have not been posting...We probably scared away all the readers...:( I AM SO SORRY!!! What would you like to see on this blog? Videos? Pictures? WHAT??? Comment and tell me if you actually read this blog...If I get NO COMMENTS I will THINK about deleting this blog since no one reads it...
