Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Sorry I have not posted in a long time I have been busy this one will be a long post...

Here are some questions.

How are you feeling? Sick

What is the closest thing to you? Mouse (Not a real one a computer mouse)

What are you doing? Talking to my friend Sandy (aka darly's doll)

That is all for the questions!!

I cannot wait until the Chrissa doll comes out in 2009!!
Mabye Iona will get her!!!

Lauren is SICK TOO!!! (By the way this is Mckenna)

Theses are my friend's initials in the form of the things that she is like.

Not a Devil
Yup is always her answer

Cute huh!!

Here is a couple things about Sandy.

1.Her favorite thing to do is play with Nicki(Sandy's sis) or play a fun game called shopping spree!
2.She is feeling anxious
3.The closest thing to her is her dog.
4.She is helping make a present right now.

That is all I will go to Lauren now!



Here is my friend's initials!

Not mean
Is Nice
Krazy (in a good way)
Is cool

Here is some things about Nicki!

1.Her favorite thing to do is play with Animals
2.She is feeling crazy
3.The closest thing to her is her cats
4.She is sitting right now.

Those are some things about my friend Nicki!!

Here are some questions.

How are you feeling? Sick

What is the closest thing to you? Mouse (Not a real one a computer mouse)

What are you doing? Talking to my friend Nicki (aka darly's doll)

That is all for the questions!!

I am tired! *YAWN*



1 comment:

Muzzy said...

Hey Lauren!
AWW! You are so sweet!
BTW (by the way) this is Nicki!