Monday, March 29, 2010

The Doll is...

You guys all did great!
But the doll is............................................................................................................................................
............................................ JULIE!!!

Congrats AG Crazy, Sonja, Sierra, and Hannah! You ALL got it right! :D

Yes...It is true, Julie might be joining our family instead of Elizabeth!
Good guessing everyone! :D
You all did great!

~The Dolls


Unknown said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy! I was right! Hurray!

Also, what do you mean by 'award?' do you post it on your blog like a real award? :)

Sierra said...

Cool! Why is it that you want Julie in particular and what made you chane your mind?

Iona said...

Hannah-You put the award on your sidebar! ;)

Sierra-Because she has better hair to "work" with and Elizabeth wont look good in 20th century clothes

Emily said...

Thanks.Now I have 2 awards from you! YOur the best....Thanks!

Unknown said...

How do you post it to your sidebar? :\

Unknown said...

Oh nevermind, I got it! Go to to see it on my sidebar! :D

Sonja said...

YAY that is sooo exciting!! and thanks for the award :D